

Ensuring the due course of criminal proceedings via strengthened respect for the procedural rights of the suspect and the accused


10/2024 – 09/2026 (24 months)

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Enhancing compliance with procedural rights during initial stages of criminal proceedings

The FULL-PROOF project aims to enhance the respect for procedural rights of suspects and accused individuals, concretely those in Directive 2012/12/EU, Directive 2013/48/EU, and Directive 2016/1919/EU. By addressing common breaches of rights and promoting best practices, the project seeks to improve the implementation of procedural safeguards. 
FULL-PROOF will engage with police officers and legal professionals to raise awareness and knowledge, facilitating better approaches to handling suspects and accused individuals. 
This initiative will promote cross-professional dialogue and international communication, ultimately contributing to the respect for the Rule of Law across the EU.


  • Bulgaria
  • Italy
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Romania
  • Slovakia
  • Slovenia


  • European Commission Justice Programme | Line of funding: JUST-2023-JACC-EJUSTICE


Address common day-to-day breaches of the rights enshrined in EU Directives.

Facilitate dialogue and exchange of experiences and practices between professionals across different countries.

Expand awareness and promote interest in procedural safeguards.

Enhance knowledge and awareness among front-line professionals regarding the procedural rights of suspects and accused persons.

Promote the replication of successful practices at national levels.

Expected outcomes

A best practices replicability framework, to promote knowledge of best and promising practices and foment their application to national contexts.

Updated CrossJustice Legal Database and Advisory modules, which will provide new information on procedural safeguards across the EU.

Awareness-raising and experience exchanging events will lawyers and police officers.

Guidance Booklets tailored for legal professionals that focus on reinforcing the knowledge and awareness regarding key issues related to the safeguards enshrined in procedural rights Directives (2012/13/EU, 2013/48/EU, and 2016/1919/EU).

Awareness-raising and experience exchanging events with lawyers and police officers.

“Right to Know” videos and infographics highlighting key conclusions and insights stemming from FULL-PROOF’s activities.

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