7th EuroPris Conference: Challenges and developments in the corrections sector Silvia Bernardo June 18, 2018

7th EuroPris Conference: Challenges and developments in the corrections sector

The 7th EuroPris Conference and Annual General Meeting took place in Jõhvi, Estonia, on the 18th of  June 2018.

The event was hosted by the Department of Prisons of the Estonian Ministry of Justice and it preceded the Council of Europe Annual Conference of Prison and Probation Directors (CDPPS) that happened between the 19th and the 20th of June 2018.

The agenda of the EuroPris event included presentations by Nils Öberg, the EuroPris President, Priit Kama, Director General of the Estonian Prison Service, Ilina Taneva, Secretary to the PC-CP of the Council of Europe, and several speakers who presented on recent current challenges and developments in the prisons and corrections sector.

Furthermore, there were presentations by the expert groups of the organisation, namely real estate, education of prisoners, family relations, foreign nationals in prison and probation, and information and communication technologies.

The Conference and Annual General Meeting of EuroPris was open to EuroPris members, non-members of the Council of Europe region, representatives of the Criminal Justice platform partners, representatives of other European organisations active in the field of prisons and corrections, as well as to representatives of the European Commission and the Council of Europe.

The conference was attended by Mr. Pedro das Neves, on behalf of IPS_Innovative Prison Systems.

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