JUSTICE TRENDS magazine makes its debut on June 1st, 2017, and the editorial team behind it hopes that the publication will benefit the whole corrections community worldwide.
![Cover of the inaugural issue of JUSTICE TRENDS magazine](https://www.prisonsystems.eu/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Jusstice-Trends-Nr1-Cover-233x300.jpg)
Cover of the inaugural issue of JUSTICE TRENDS magazine – June 2017
This editorial project – which aims to disseminate contemporary models, demands and challenges of prison and probation systems – starts under the motto Justice Systems in Transition.
“We have been partners of innovation in this sector for a long time and this gives us a privileged insight as we move towards a rationale of leveraging reform and change processes. With this global publication, we intend to disseminate not only what we know and the projects we’re involved in, but also to disclose the experience and answers that we have obtained from prominent figures in the world of Justice, prison and probation systems“, said JUSTICE TRENDS Director and CEO of IPS, Pedro das Neves.
JUSTICE TRENDS positions itself as a free distribution, not-for-profit unprejudiced publication. It is mainly based on direct speech resulting from first-hand interviews of decision makers from different world regions. In addition to numerous interviews, a number of professional and academic experts were invited to contribute with brief articles on highly needed and current topics, such as radicalization, technologies for prison and probation settings, foreign inmates training, education and rehabilitation, the aging of the prison population, among others.
JUSTICE TRENDS is a bi-annual magazine – English, and Spanish – with an online edition for more widespread distribution alongside subscribers, as well as a limited premium edition, on paper. The latter will be posted to prison and probation administrations and key stakeholders throughout the world.
So far, this new corrections publication has received widespread support from prison and probation Directorates General, from the academia, and the sector’s businesses, partners, and practitioners.
Through its dedicated website, readers will be able to read through the magazine, download the entire issue, or save any individual content that may be of particular interest. The publication is equally available for free through two different digital publishing platforms: Issuu and Joomag.