JUSTICE TRENDS #5: Radicalisation, extremism and organised crime Silvia Bernardo July 22, 2019

The fifth issue of JUSTICE TRENDS Magazine has just been published. This is the second release of 2019, corresponding to the second semester.

In this special issue of JUSTICE TRENDS Magazine, with a particular focus on radicalisation, extremism and organised crime, we share the views of different decision-makers in the justice sector. The Magazine is published in both English and Spanish.

The front cover and featured interview if of H.E. Mrs Nicole Belloubet, Minister of Justice of France.

Further featured exclusive interviews include Mr Jean Alain Rodríguez, the Attorney General of the Dominican Republic, and that with the Executive Director of the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTED), Ms Michèle Coninsx, who spoke about the global terrorist threat.


The five editions of JUSTICE TRENDS Magazine published to date. Digital version available at www.justice-trends.press, in English and Spanish


In addition, in the scope of a groundbreaking Experts’ Panel on the topic of Radicalisation & Prison Intelligence, we get to understand the measures taken in Argentina, Belgium and Canada (at the federal and provincial levels) in the field of prison intelligence.

Interviews were held with several Directors General of Prison Services, namely Poland, the Slovak Republic, Bremen (Germany), Jordan and Panama who explain how correctional services are progressing and dealing with gangs, organised crime and radicalised people in custody.

Moreover, we publish several interviews with eminent personalities such as the Director-General of the Slovenian Probation Service; Judge Giuseppe Spadaro, who has experience in juvenile justice and the mafia in Italy, as well as representatives of RAN – Radicalisation Awareness Network – and Violence Prevention Network.

And, we present several articles by renowned authors including academics, experts, practitioners and service providers, that help us understand the different dimensions of the complex topics mentioned above.

JUSTICE TRENDS Magazine subscription options include the free digital version – so you know immediately whenever a new edition is published – and a paid option to the premium paper version (Please contact us at justice.trends@justice-trends.press to place your order).

 Visit the website www.justice-trends.press to read this issue of JUSTICE TRENDS Magazine as well as the previous ones.


JUSTICE TRENDS Magazine is developed and published by IPS Innovative Prison Systems.