The project “ECOPRIS – Ecological Economics in Prison Work Administration” promoted by the BSAFE LAB of the University of Beira Interior has been approved for funding by the ERASMUS + Portuguese National Agency.
ECOPRIS has been ranked as #1 in the ERASMUS + national ranking. With an overall budget of approximately 342.000,00 euro, the ECOPRIS Project aims to:
1. Create 1 joint curricula (work-based VET training courses) to promote inmates reintegration – through prison work initiatives – by developing staff management skills, namely: prison work and industries awareness, marketing, management, innovation, entrepreneurship, communication, ICT , ecological economics and teamwork among prison staff;
2. Train 36 prison staff, in 3 countries, in multidisciplinary teams of 6 members (2 per country), in 3 short-term transnational training events, to develop and implement innovative „prison work” actions (engaging at least 20 inmates per country);
3. Improve community and businesses participation in staff training and inmates labour reintegration actions through the engagement of key stakeholders and experts in national seminars, validation workshops, transnational events and trainings’ pilot actions.
Project partners include:
- BSAFE LAB Law enforcement, justice and public safety research and technology transfer laboratory of Beira Interior University, Portugal
- IPS_Innovative Prison Services (Qualify Just, Ltd), Portugal
- DGRSP Direcção Geral da Reinserção e dos Serviços Prisionais (Portuguese probation and prison administration), Portugal
- ANP National Prison Administration of Romania, prison of Timisoara, Romania
- CPIP Centrul Pentru Promovarea Invatarii Permanente, Romania
- Centrul de studii penitenciare – West University of Timisoara, Romania
- Ceza ve Tevkifevleri Genel Müdürlüğü (Turkish prison administration), Turkey
- EUROPRIS The European Organisation of Prison and Correctional Services, The Netherlands
For further information about the ECOPRIS project or IPS activity in prison work/prison industries area, please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail[email protected]