BSAFE LAB Law Enforcement, Justice, and Public Safety Lab comes online Silvia Bernardo December 1, 2014

BSAFE LAB Law Enforcement, Justice, and Public Safety Lab comes online

The BSAFE LAB website is now available at

Founded as a result of the collaboration between QUALIFY JUST IPS_Innovative Prison Systems and UBI – Beira Interior University (Portugal), the BSAFE LAB is an open interdisciplinary research and technology transfer laboratory aiming to foster and develop new research and technology transfer in the fields of law enforcement, justice and public safety in scientific areas ranging from arts & humanities, including law, history and philosophy, biological & medical sciences, physical sciences & engineering, social & behavioral sciences & education.

Its main objectives consist of fostering the advancement of scientific knowledge, the effectiveness of public and civil society agencies and the reinforcement of SME competitiveness in the fields of law enforcement, justice, and public safety through:

  • the development of new research projects (involving public organizations, private sector, and government agencies);
  • the technical supervision of masters’ and PhD thesis;
  • the implementation of innovation demonstration actions (technology transfer pilots and experimentation playgrounds) involving SME’s and public sector agencies;
  • the establishment of partnerships with research and government institutions worldwide;
  • providing technical assistance to third parties (companies and government agencies).
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