September 26, 2019 Against Violent Radicalisation in Cities – PRACTICIES 3rd steering committeeThe meeting aimed to develop multi-level (local, regional, national and supranational) recommendations for policymakers. The...
September 14, 2018 Radicalisation and Prison Conference- Risk assessment tools and practices“Radicalisation Prevention in Prisons in Europe” was a high-level conference that took place between the...
July 10, 2018 RAN’s Prison and Probation Group Meeting on Risk AssessmentThe meeting covered the challenges in implementing risk assessment tools in prison and probation settings....
July 9, 2018 JUSTICE TRENDS #3: Developments in correctional systems worldwideJUSTICE TRENDS magazine publishes the third issue, and it features an exclusive interview with Belgium's Minister...
July 6, 2018 R2PRIS presented at the 2nd Criminal Justice Summer Course in BarcelonaThe R2PRIS Multi-level radicalisation prevention in prisons has been presented at the second Criminal Justice...
July 3, 2018 Lisbon: International Conference on Radicalisation in PrisonsThe International Conference "R2PRIS Radicalisation Prevention in Prisons" took place in Lisbon, Portugal, on the 3rd...
June 11, 2018 PRACTICIES: Partnership against Radicalisation hits the French ParliamentProject looks to gather networks of cities’ organisations and experts to better understand, prevent and...
April 26, 2018 RAN EXIT Academy: Exit worker engagement techniques in discussionIPS_Innovative Prisons Systems representatives participated in the second edition of the Radicalisation Awareness Network's EXIT...
January 26, 2018 IPS at radicalisation prevention course in SpainThe course “Trainers of Trainers” seeks to provide competences and skills to prevent and contrast...
December 5, 2017 IPS open lecture on radicalisation at Porto Criminology SchoolRadicalisation is the topic of the open lecture that IPS' consultant delivers at the University...