October 17, 2023 Advancing efforts to towards inclusion and radicalisation preventionA transnational European endeavour is actively addressing the needs of NGOs and LEAs professionals who...
September 22, 2023 Protecting Europe’s places of worship: Collaborative approaches against extremismIn a time where religious sites have increasingly become targets of extremism, a transnational expert...
September 15, 2023 Developing digital skills in Criminal Justice to support practitionersAn example of how the strategic integration of digital tools, along with the necessary development...
June 20, 2023 Youth radicalisation prevention in polarised societies: Empowering practitioners through trainingMore than 70 professionals working with youth participated in training initiatives recently held in France...
May 12, 2023 Radicalisation and Extremism Challenges in Western Balkans: CoE’s International MeetingThe Council of Europe organised a significant gathering centred around Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism...
April 27, 2023 Empowering Criminal Justice Professionals: The Train-the-Trainer Initiative for Skills Sharing and Capacity BuildingTargeting prison, probation, and community organisations, a radicalisation prevention initiative is helping to enhance the...
March 27, 2023 The impact of the pandemic on psychosocial health: Cyberspace as a setting for radicalisation and extremismA Holistic Radicalisation Prevention Initiative’ tackling the potential mental health-related risk factors for radicalisation and...
February 15, 2023 Developing a coordinated response to Online RadicalisationIPS_Innovative Prison Systems has joined an expert board responsible for developing a Response Model to...
January 26, 2023 Training Albanian Prison Staff in Radicalisation PreventionIPS_Innovative Prison Systems recently supported the Albanian Helsinki Committee to provide a two-day training event...
December 20, 2022 Interborder and inter-agency cooperation to solve common problems: The need to tailor best practices in the P/CVE fieldBy bringing together various practitioners from different countries, institutions and levels, the HOPE Radicalisation Network...