JUSTICE TRENDS director: “The magazine is only the beginning” Silvia Bernardo July 25, 2017

The Confederation of European Probation interviews Pedro das Neves who is concomitantly the Director and Editor-in-chief of JUSTICE TRENDS magazine.


CEP interviews Pedro Neves

CEP, the Confederation of European Probation, interviews Mr. Pedro das Neves, the Director of JUSTICE TRENDS magazine


The interview is published in full on the website of the organization, which shows special interest in the production process of the new publication published by IPS_Innovative Prison Systems, as well as in learning more in detail its editorial line and the decision process involved.

“How was the first edition received by the readers?” and “What can it be expected from the upcoming edition of JUSTICE TRENDS?” are also among the questions that are pleasantly answered by the leader of this new editorial project.

In short, the editor of the magazine raises the veil regarding some details related to both the current edition and the one in preparation. It is worth highlighting the “more than 30 hours of recording” that the inaugural edition implied, as well as the receptivity and kindness of the prominent figures who work in the area of Justice worldwide, and who made themselves available to be interviewed or to participate as guest authors.

The interview concludes with Pedro das Neves to say that “all the work developed around the magazine is only the beginning”.

In addition, the founder of this new publication in the area of correctional and probation services ensures that “at this point, we are already working on the planning and we have thought of almost all the personalities that we would like to interview. In the same way, we have an idea of the authors that we want to invite to contribute to the inaugural edition, with their knowledge and degree of expertise.”

The second issue of JUSTICE TRENDS is to be published in November 2017.

To read the entire interview please visit CEP’s website.

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