18th Conference of Directors of Prison Administration Silvia Bernardo November 26, 2013

18th Conference of Directors of Prison Administration


The event be co-organised with the Belgian Prison Service and the Belgian Federal Public Service of Justice and will gather together the Directors General of the prison services of the 47 Council of Europe member states.

The 18th Council of Europe Conference of Directors of Prison Administration will be held from 27 to 29 of November 2013 in Brussels, Belgium.

 The Directors of the European Probation Services, European judges and prosecutors, representatives of the states enjoying observer status with the Council of Europe, the European Union, the UN, EuroPris and the European Organisation for Probation (CEP) are also invited to the Conference.

 The Conference will discuss in three parallel sessions:

  • the (over)use of prisons;
  • the complexity of prison and probation management; conditions and preparation for release;
  • the role and relations of prison and probation services in setting and executing individual sentence plans.

In this context the participants will take part in debates regarding the execution of very short prison sentences, how to make best use of them and how to deal successfully with more offenders in the community. Special attention will be paid to how court practices may influence the reduction of prison inflation.

 At the conference, Mr. Pedro das Neves will address a keynote speech on (over)imprisonment and the (over)use of prisons; alternative measures and some limits that contemporary prison design trends may pose to the execution of sentences and penitentiary activity: 

For further information about the conference, and download the draft program, please visit: http://www.coe.int/t/dghl/standardsetting/prisons/Conference_18_en.asp

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