ECOPRIS: Staff training brings together 38 trainees from three countries Silvia Bernardo March 3, 2017

ECOPRIS: Staff training brings together 38 trainees from three countries

The event has the goal of encouraging the exchange of knowledge and practice and the establishment of an effective and sustainable community of practice, amongst the project partners.

ECOPRIS‘ short-term staff training event (STST) – the first event out of three that are planned under the scope of this project – took place in Timisoara, Romania, between the 27th of February and the 3rd of March 2017.

The event was attended by 38 trainees selected from the correctional staff bodies of the Turkish, Romanian and Portuguese prison systems – the countries involved in the project. The participants consisted of staff that is directly or indirectly involved in prison work activities, and, at this training, they were invited to form multidisciplinary teams capable of developing and implementing innovative “prison work” actions.

ECOPRIS 1st staff training - group activityThe one-week training included a variety of seminars, workshops on prison industries and green economy, case studies, and visits to Timisoara’s prison workplaces. This training allowed all participants to acknowledge the challenges and constraints of their professional colleagues, and come up with solutions for common problems that have been identified, regarding prison work and the professional reintegration of inmates.

ECOPRIS is a transnational project that promotes open and flexible learning, virtual mobility and other innovative learning methods, fostering the development of entrepreneurial skills and improvement of the capacities of organizations to increase inmates’ social and professional reintegration.

To learn more about this project, please visit its dedicated page and/or drop Tiago Leitão an email

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