ECOPRIS: 5-daystaff training promotes exchange of ideas and knowledge Silvia Bernardo May 12, 2017

The third short-term joint staff training event (STST) of the ECOPRIS project took place at the Ilci Hotel in Ankara, Turkey, from May 8th- 12th, 2017.

The event, which was hosted by the Turkish General Directorate of Prisons and Detention Houses, was attended by 28 trainees selected from the staff of the Turkish, Romanian and Portuguese prison systems – all the three jurisdictions involved in the project. The participants consisted of personnel that’s either directly or indirectly involved in prison work activities.


ECOPRIS project news 3rd training

ECOPRIS project: last short-term training event held in Turkey


Participants not only had the opportunity to learn about the reality of the Turkish prison system but also to visit prisons that are a model for the whole prison system (the Ankara Open Regime Institution, for example). In this institution, there are several workshops aimed at reintegrating inmates into society by providing them with the best conditions (both regarding infrastructures and work practices) so that they can lead a life free of crime. There are a number of workshops for this purpose, namely: locksmith, sewing, agriculture, press, among others.

The 5-day training also included a number of seminars and group sessions regarding prison industries and green economy. This training event has shown to be of added value in the exchange of ideas and knowledge between the participant directorates, and it helped in the development of entrepreneurship skills.

ECOPRIS is a transnational project that promotes open and flexible learning, virtual mobility and other innovative learning methods, fostering the development of entrepreneurial skills and improvement of the capacities of organizations to increase inmates’ social and professional reintegration.

Follow this link to learn more about ECOPRIS.

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