‘Managing extremism’, ‘sports in prison’, ‘normalisation’ and ‘prison conditions’ at EuroPris conference Silvia Bernardo November 26, 2013

‘Managing extremism’, ‘sports in prison’, ‘normalisation’ and ‘prison conditions’ at EuroPris conference

The second EuroPris Annual General Meeting (AGM) and conference will take place on 26th November in Brussels. The conference will start at 9am and run until 1pm.

Presentations will include ‘managing extremism’, ‘sports in prison’, ‘normalisation’ and ‘prison conditions’. The conference is open to all interested parties.

The AGM will take place in the afternoon for (potential) members of EuroPris, members of the Criminal Justice Platform and representatives of the Council of Europe and the European Commission. For further information on the conference and/or the AGM please contact the EuroPris Office Manager.

For further information about the conference and AGM please visit http://www.europris.org/agm/

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