ECOPRIS project in the EuroPris Annual General Meeting Silvia Bernardo June 8, 2015

ECOPRIS project in the EuroPris Annual General Meeting

The National Administration of Penitentiaries Romania will host the 4th EuroPris Conference and Annual General Meeting on 8 June 2015 in Bucharest.

The conference will start at 9am and run until 1pm and is open to all interested parties. Recent developments in Europe demonstrate the ever growing importance to work together and to address problems jointly. The issue of Radicalisation will be on the agenda of the EuroPris Annual Conference.

The AGM will take place in the afternoon for (potential) members of EuroPris, members of the Criminal Justice Platform and representatives of the Council of Europe and the European Commission.

At the EuroPris AGM, at the “multiplateral cooperation programmes” pannel, Tiago Leitão from IPS_Innovative Prison Systems will present the ECOPRIS Ecological Economics in Prison Work Administration project (a project involving the Portuguese, Romanian and Turkish prison administrations).

Open conference programme:
08:30-09:00    Registration / Welcome coffee
09:00-09:15    Welcome

Hans Meurisse, President EuroPris, Director Belgian Prison Service
Catalin Bejan, Board member EuroPris, General Director NAP Romania


Jan Kleijssen, Director, Information Society and Action against Crime Directorate, Directorate General Human Rights and Rule of Law, Council of Europe (tbc)
Jesca Beneder, European Commission, DG Justice, Procedural Criminal Law (tbc)

09:30-11:00    Presentations of EuroPris expert groups

Transfer of Prisoners under Framework Decision 2008/909/JHA
Graham Wilkinson, NOMS England&Wales

Foreign National Prisoners
Nick Hammond, NOMS England&Wales

Use of Digital Technology in Prisons
Steven van de Steene, Belgian Prison Service

Research / European Prison Information System
Fraser Bryans, EuroPris

Protection of Victims
Aarne Kinnunen, European Forum for Restorative Justice

Staff training and education
Willem van der Brugge, CEP

11:00-11:30    Coffee break

11:30-13:00    Panel discussion on Radicalisation

Hans Meurisse – Experiences with Radicalisation in European Prisons

Maarten van der Donk, RAN Secretariat – Best Practices Collection, Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN) Prison and Probation Working Group

13:00-14:15    Lunch

The EuroPris event will be followed by the 20th Council of Europe Conference of Directors of Prison and Probation Services on 9 and 10th June also in Bucharest.

For further info about EuroPris conference and AGM, please visit

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