Outsourcing Justice Services: Public Private Partnerships Workshop -IPS at EuroPris Silvia Bernardo April 15, 2012

Outsourcing Justice Services: Public Private Partnerships Workshop -IPS at EuroPris

Europris – the European Organisation of Prison and Correctional Services organized on the 15-16 April 2012 the workshop on  “Outsourcing Justice Services: Public Private Partnerships Workshop” in Prague, Czech Republic.

The workshop provided an understanding of the issues in PPP – with the emphasis very much on partnership-working; an understanding of the ‘models’ of PPP and the experience of current key users in Europe and elsewhere over recent years (this would attempt to cover the spectrum from tendering to contract, to monitoring, to assurance etc.); and an understanding of the ‘value-added’ that can come from PPP.

IPS has been represented in this event by Pedro das Neves.

The European Organisation of Prison and Correctional Services (EuroPris) is a non-political, non-governmental organisation that was initiated in late 2010, founded in 2011 and officially registered in The Netherlands in December 2011. The initiative to establish the organisation was taken during the Swedish Presidency of the EU in 2009 and was taken forward by the European countries of the International Roundtable for Correctional Excellence.

For further information about EUROPRIS events, please visit www.europris.org

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