Inês de Castro

Head of Unit for Risk Prevention & Criminogenic Intervention
as part of the Rehabilitation, Reintegration & Community Portfolio

Inês de Castro holds a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and a Post-Graduation in Psychocriminology, both from ISPA, Lisbon, Portugal. While taking her bachelor’s in psychology, she did a six-month mobility period in Alma Mater Studiorum Universitá di Bologna, Italy. At her master’s degree, her thesis focused on the technicians’ perceptions of effectiveness regarding the prison-based rehabilitation programs in Portugal promoted by DGRSP, entitled “Rising from the Ashes: Do rehabilitation programs in Portugal allow it?”, which aimed to support clinical-forensic interventions with prison offenders in order to enhance rehabilitation.

In 2019, Inês had the opportunity to do an internship within Rise Foundation Malta, a small-detention house, where she contributed with assistance, supervision, monitoring, and psychological support towards the inmates.

Moreover, she did an internship at the National Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences (INMLCF, IP.) where she conducted forensic interviews, administered and scored assessment tools. At the same time, she did an internship at Vale de Judeus prison facility where she provided psychological support to the inmates, and acquired practical knowledge regarding the real needs of the prison systems.

Within IPS, Inês is Head of Directory for Risk Prevention & Criminogenic Intervention in the Rehabilitation, Reintegration & Community Portfolio.

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