Ricardo Lopes

Software Development Engineer

Ricardo Lopes holds a Computer Engineering degree. Since 2016 he has worked on different projects that allowed him to obtain knowledge in different areas and technologies.

His path allowed him to acquire digital skills, particularly in the following domains: Microsoft Office, Outlook, SQL, Java, HTML, Visual Studio Code, Bootstrap, Microsoft SQL Server, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Visual, Studio, HTML5, Firebird, MySQL, Postman, Ajax, Windows, Linux, XML, MVC, Angular, Phyton, C, C++, C#, .NET, Lucene, Elastic Search, RESTful Web Services, JSON, Nodejs and Nunit.

Ricardo is a development team member as part of the existing strategic joint-venture between IPS Innovative Prison System and iTech-ON for digital transformation in corrections in the framework of the HORUS iOMS 360 consortia.

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