Sebastião Pais, Ph.D.

Researcher, Artificial Intelligence, Data Science

Sebastião Pais holds a PhD in Computer Science from the MINES ParisTech (France) and the University of Beira Interior (Portugal) in 2013. In 2016, he started his career at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Beira Interior and developed his research activities at the NOVA LINCS (Portugal) and the CNRS GREYC UMR 6072 Laboratory (France).

His research interests include Statistical Natural Language Processing, Statistical Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Data Science. In 2017 Sebastião received the qualification of Maître de Conférences (MCF) in Computer Science, by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research and Innovation, of the French Republic.

Sebastião is Assistant Professor at University of Beira Interior (UBI), Portugal and is part of the research team focusing on predictive analytics, data fusion, artificial intelligence, and software engineering, in the framework of the strategic joint-venture between IPS Innovative Prison System and the BSAFE LAB of UBI University for digital transformation in corrections, in the framework of the HORUS iOMS 360 consortia.

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