Silvia Alonso Donis

Corrections Expert, Jurist & Lecturer

IPS Project: Strengthening Probation Services in Guyana

Silvia Alonso Donis has a Law degree from the University San Pablo CEU of Madrid; she is currently taking a Social Education degree.

Since 2003, Silvia has been a Civil Servant in Spain, belonging to the Technical Superior Body of Penitentiary Institutions (Spanish Ministry of the Interior), as a jurist in the penitentiary system (including prison and Probation).

She was Deputy Director of Treatment Area at the A Lama Penitentiary Center, Governor/Director of Teixeiro Penitentiary Center and Governor of Orense Prison. Currently, she is Programmes Manager and Jurist at A Lama Penitentiary Center, working at the Social Reintegration Center. She has also been a lecturer at the Training Course for new prison officers.

Silvia has participated in several international projects as a short-term expert, namely the Twinning Project in Croatia focused on Probation, the EU – ACT project in the Kyrgyz Republic focused on countering drug trafficking in prisons, and the Twinning project in Turkey on the management of terrorist and dangerous offenders in prisons.