World prison indicators map
World penitentiary data is in general widespread in different databases of different international official and research organizations. In order to allow an integrated and comparable view of different indicators over time, IPS team created the “world prison indicators map”.
This map presents 5 out of 12 indicators namely: the “total number of prisoners”; “prisoners per 100.000 habitants”; “prison system occupancy rate”; “prisoners held untrialed per 100.000 habitants“; “juvenile prisoners per 100.000 habitants“.
Users can navigate through the world map, comparing different country data comprising the period from 2003 to 2013.
To have direct access to the map, please click here
Available indicators include:
1. total number of prisoners
2. prisoners per 100.000 habitants
3. prison system capacity
4. prison system occupancy rate
5. prisoners held untrialed
6. prisoners held untrialed per 100.000 habitants
7. female prisoners
8. female prisoners per 100.000 habitants
9. juvenile prisoners
10. juvenile prisoners per 100.000 habitants
11. foreign prisoners
12. foreign prisoners per 100.000 habitants
To have access to the set of 12 indicators, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]