IPS supporting the development of a new penitentiary policy in Guatemala Silvia Bernardo December 5, 2013

IPS supporting the development of a new penitentiary policy in Guatemala

Pedro das Neves on behalf of Qualify Just/IPS has been supporting the development of the new penitentiary policy in Guatemala in the framework of the EUROSOCIAL programme.

Besides its participation in high-level technical assistance assignments, Pedro das Neves has been invited as speaker at the international seminar “SEMINARIO INTERNACIONAL LINEAMIENTOS DE POLÍTICA PENITENCIARIA” (International Seminar for Prison Policy Guidelines) that took place in Guatemala City last 5th and 6th of December 2013.

DGSP of Guatemala and the hosting justice sector organisations will use the results of this international seminar to guide the development of new strategies to reform its institutional structures.

The seminar was hosted by Edgar Camargo Liere, director-general of the Guatemala penitentiary system and joined international experts working in Latin America and Caribe, including Dr. Roberto Santana, regional coordinator of the Excelence centre of UNODC (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime); Dr. Ysmael Paniagua, head of the Dominican Republic new Penitentiary Model; Dr. Guillermo Arroyo, the UNODOC Latin-american Institute from Costa Rica (ILANUD); Dr. José Patricio Patino Arias, Sub-secretary of the Federal Penitentiary System in Mexico; Mr. Nelson Rauda from SICA – Sistema de Integración Centroamericana; Mr. Stephen Fradley and Nick Brooke from Great Britain among other national and international experts in the justice and penitentiary field.

This important regional event counted with more of 200 participants including officials of the national penitentiary system, representatives of NGO’s, officials and representatives of the justice sector in Guatemala, representatives of human rights organizations, researchers and representatives of universities, representatives of professional associations (Bar Association, College of Psychologists, Humanities and others).

The participation of Qualify Just/IPS through the EUROSOCIAL Programme includes technical assistance both in Guatemala and Argentina towards the development of a new penitentiary and reinsertion policy in these countries.

For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail [email protected]

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