Offender Management System
Automation and artificial intelligence are reshaping the way correctional agencies manage their operations to ensure citizens’ safety while creating new futures for incarcerated persons.
HORUS360 is the all-in-one intelligent Offender Management System built for 21st century correctional agencies enabling:
- Strategic prison intervention planning;
- Inter-institutional coordination;
- Rehabilitation of offenders;
- Judicial decisions.

The intelligent Offender Management System built for today’s correctional needs
you’re no longer bound by traditional real-world limitations, such as manual data entry and time-consuming processes.
that streamlines and automates all processes related to individuals under judicial sentences and measures, through a single reliable source of information.
the solution covers the entire offender’s life cycle of detention, imprisonment, or surveillance — from the initial intake process to release on parole or completion of sentence.
the right information needs to be shared with the right people at the right time. This innovative platform allows you to aggregate and correlate data from multiple criminal justice system agencies, providing correctional administrations and decision makers with everything they need to know about offender and operational data.
A person-centric approach to correctional interventions
Assess offender’s risks, needs and responsiveness
Native integration of evidence-based risk and needs instruments: General recidivism risk, risk of violence, sexual violence risk, responsivity, mental health, suicide risk, radicalisation risk.
Schedule offender into programmes/activities
Automatic and intelligent recommendation for scheduling in programmes and activities based on inmate risk and needs profile.
Allocate inmate to the most suitable detention facility
Automatic and Intelligent recommendation of allocation to the facility based on inmate risk and needs profile, legal requirements, and capacity and profile of the detention institution.
Predict future behaviour
Recidivism prediction model based on risk and needs assessments data and data gathered throughout the sentence.
Distribute caseload
Automatic and intelligent caseload distribution based on inmate risk and needs profile and the profile and existing caseload of case managers.
Support decision-making
Automatic and intelligent decision recommendations regarding facility allocation, programmes/activities participation, grievances and requests decisions and follow-up, disciplinary actions, early release decisions, among others.
Identify the most suitable rehabilitation programmes
Automatic and intelligent recommendation of participation in programmes and activities — sentence planning — based on inmate risk and needs profile, intervention needs, intensity levels and programmes available.
Refer post release/community follow-up
Automatic and intelligent recommendation of reference for follow-up in the community based on inmate risk and needs profile, legal requirements, and capacity and profile of the community institution.
Learn from successful results
Automatic and intelligent analysis of success and recidivism data to improve decision support models.
Innovative features
Digitisation, automation and mobility
Cloud-based, multilingual, configurable and customisable, agile and modular, scalable, secure and interoperable.
17 modules that ensure the digitisation, dematerialisation and automation of the most critical correctional processes (jails and prisons).
Fully parameterisable risk and needs assessment tools
Natively incorporates evaluation tools for contextual risk assessment, risk and needs assessment, and psychological and behavioural assessment.
Supported by scientifically validated models, the predictive analysis and decision support system considers the assessment of risks and needs of an offender.
AI based recidivism prevention model
Allows to predict the risk of criminal conduct and recidivism, based on data from various sources (interoperability of systems and data fusion).
The system considers data and contextual analysis information (patterns of behaviour, information of visits, relationship with other prisoners, social activity, disciplinary measures, activities, education and work, among others).
The solution learns from previous similar cases and situations.
Compliance with EU, USA and International Directives, Framework Decisions, Standards and Recommendations
The solution is fully compliant with the North American and European regulatory and international conventions on justice and enforcement, protection of rights, security, protection standards and data transfer, including the ones on the use of Artificial Intelligence in Criminal Justice.