ICPA/CEP/Europris: “Developments in Prison and Probation in Europe” Silvia Bernardo June 13, 2012

ICPA/CEP/Europris: “Developments in Prison and Probation in Europe”

IPS has been represented at the conference by Pedro das Neves and Tiago Leitão. Pedro das Neves has moderated a panel on “professionalism of staff” in correctional services.

European partnerships and co-operation are important tools to inform, support, and strengthen the domestic agenda. The sharing of knowledge, experience and expertise with European colleagues creates a valuable opportunity both to contribute to, and to learn from, broader corrections and criminal justice trends, issues, and developments.

The European Conference “Joint Challenges, Joint Solutions: Developments in Prison and Probation in Europe” was the first jointly organised by the main prison and probation organisations: ICPA, EuroPris (The European Organisation for Prison and Correctional Organisations), and CEP (The European Organisation for Probation).  The event was hosted by the Romanian National Administration of Penitentiaries and the Romanian Probation Department.

The conference was held in Bucharest, Romania from the 13th to the 15th June 2012.

IPS has been represented at the conference by Pedro das Neves and Tiago Leitão. Pedro das Neves has moderated a panel on “professionalism of staff” in correctional services.

 For further information about ICPA conferences, please visit www.icpa.ca


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