International Conference: Rehabilitating VEOs in prison and probation Silvia Bernardo February 11, 2021

International Conference: Rehabilitating VEOs in prison and probation

If you are interested in knowing more about the process of extremism rehabilitation, join us for this online International Conference to learn along with the team working on the WayOut project – Integrated Exit Programme for Prisons and Probation – and its approach to exit work. The event is on the 15th  and the 16th of February 2021, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. (CET).

A handful of guest speakers representing different organisations worldwide will share their insights about leading exit programmes and radicalisation prevention strategies.

The two-day open-access dialogue  with Q&A sessions included , will be moderated by Rasha Nagem and Chafiaa Djouadi, from the University of Toulouse-Jean Jaurès (France). The registration is free, and you can secure your online seat through this form.

In the end, don’t forget to get your certificate of attendance – the event organisers will send it over upon request.

Learn more about the WayOut Conference



Day 1 – Monday the 15th of February 2021

10:00 Official welcome
Séraphin Alava (Project Coordinator – UT2J)
Patrik De Bekker (European Commission – DG Migration and Home Affairs)
Pedro das Neves (CEO – IPS_Innovative Prison Systems)

10:20 Multi-dimensional counter-commitments in the deradicalisation process in probation
Dounia Bouzar (Cabinet Bouzar Expertises, France)

10:40 Q&A

10:50 WayOut responding to the Strategic orientations in Prison on a coordinated EU approach to prevention of radicalisation for 2021
Chafiaa Djouadi & Rasha Nagem (UT2J, France)

11:10 Q&A

11:20 Coffee break

11:30 Prison-exit continuum | Evaluation framework of exit programmes
Vitor Costa (BSAFE LAB – UBI, Portugal)

11:50 Q&A

12:00 Improving prison and probation staff competencies in the field of exit strategies: findings from the WayOut training programme
Pedro Liberado (IPS_Innovative Prison Systems, Portugal)

12:20 Q&A

12:30 Closing of the first day

Day 2 – Tuesday the 16th of February 2021

10:00 Welcome

10:10 A “bootcamp” for radicals? Deradicalisation as a new form of social work
Joël Cabalion (Researcher U. Tours team.)

10:30 Q&A

10:40 Quality and impact of exit programmes | Gender dimension in exit programmes. Conclusions of a stakeholder exchange
Ariane Wolf (Violence Prevention Network, Germany)

11:00 Q&A

11:10 Coffee break

11:20 Quality and impact of exit programmes
Methodological framework of exit programmes
Robin van Halderen (Avans University, The Netherlands)

11:40 Q&A

11:50 Improvement of the collaboration | The collaboration with a governmental stakeholder
Eduard Matt & Ivo Lisitzki (Bremen MoJ, Germany)

12:10 Q&A

12:20 Closing of the event

About the WayOut project

The WayOut project – Integrated Exit Programme for Prisons and Probation – is fundamentally aimed at giving an outline and important insights for building a common framework to evaluate exit programmes based on proven effectiveness approaches.

Ultimately the project is improving and facilitating the implementation of exit programmes across the Criminal Justice system, namely in prison and probation settings. Hence, this project responds to one of the European Union’s security concerns: the problem of radicalisation leading to violent extremism.

Learn more about the WayOut Project


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