IPS at the Caribbean conference of heads of correctional services Silvia Bernardo June 12, 2018

IPS at the Caribbean conference of heads of correctional services

The conference was held under the themeTransforming Prisons and Correctional Services for Regional Development“.

Jamaica hosted the 12th Conference of the Association of Caribbean Heads of Corrections and Prison Services (ACHCPS), from the 11th to the 14th of June, 2018.

Within the scope of the event, Mr. Pedro das Neves, on behalf of IPS Innovative Prison Systems  and of ICPA The International Corrections and Prisons Association, presented on “Policies and Interventions for Radicalisation Prevention in Prisons” – namely the tools and pilots developed under the R2PRIS project. Furthermore, he referred to the lessons learned from experiences in European prisons in the fight against radicalisation. During the session, a discussion on the situation of inmates’ radicalisation in Caribbean prisons was also facilitated.

Other presentation at this conference focused on “The Leadership Essentials For Transforming Prisons and Correctional Services”, “Building Intelligence: Opportunities and Challenges of Drone Technology for Caribbean-based Correctional Facilities”, among others. The topic of Community Corrections was also to be covered, by way of a panel discussion.

The conference audience was made up of dozens of industry leaders and experts, including not only those in charge of correctional and prison services in the Caribbean region (22 member states), but also representatives from the International Corrections and Prisons Association (ICPA) and guests from several countries (United States, the Netherlands and Namibia).


About the Association of Caribbean Heads of Corrections and Prison Services:

The ACHCPS has existed since 2006 and its mission is to promote the professional development of all personnel involved in the various facets of corrections while striving to ensure that the best policies and procedures are in place to meet the needs of correctional/prison environment in individual countries and the Caribbean region as a whole.

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