EIGEP project: Public hearing on juvenile justice education policy Silvia Bernardo March 3, 2017

EIGEP project: Public hearing on juvenile justice education policy

The project looks to improve the learning outcomes of education in juvenile settings.

The BSAFE LAB Law Enforcement, Justice and Public Safety lab of UBI University and IPS_Innovative Prison Systems promoted a public hearing on Juvenile Justice Education policy in Portugal in the framework of the EIGEP project (European Interaction Guidelines for Education Professionals when working with Children in Juvenile Justice Learning Contexts), an EU policy development initiative focused on reducing the disparities in the learning outcomes of the educational experience of a child within the juvenile justice, compared to the ones delivered in regular education systems.

The hearing, moderated by Prof. Alcides Monteiro, from UBI University on behalf of BSAFE LAB, took place at the Municipal Assembly of the city of Lisbon on the 3rd of March 2017 and gathered national experts on juvenile justice, juvenile education, and human rights.

Participants included Dr. João D’Oliveira Coias, director of juvenile justice department at the General Directorate of Rehabilitation and Prison Services; Dr. Maria do Carmo Peralta, deputy attorney general, coordinator of the Commission for Monitoring and Supervision of Juveniles Educational Centers (CMSJE); Dr. Rosa Clemente, researcher, former vice-president of the Social Reinsertion Institute, former member of CMSJE; Ms. Ana Costa Almeida, lawyer and member of the Human Rights Commission of the Portuguese Bar Association; Prof. Ricardo Martinez, sociologist, specialist in juvenile education, former member of CMSJE; Dr. Maria Perquilhas, judge of the Family and minors Court of Lisbon, teacher at the Center for Judicial Studies, member of CMSJE; Dr. Teresa Costa Santos, researcher, director of CPJ Justice Training Centre and Dr. Leandro Marques education and training coordinator from CPJ. Mr. Pedro das Neves and Ms. Alexandra Gomes participated in the session on behalf of IPS.

The session has been audio recorded. Conclusions will be drawn by the BSAFE LAB/UBI team coordinated by Prof. Maria João Simões and then presented to policy makers in the framework of the EIGEP program of activities.
Learn more about this transnational project: EIGEP.

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