Corrections directors conference: The role of community involvement Silvia Bernardo June 16, 2016

Corrections directors conference: The role of community involvement

IPS’ CEO, Pedro das Neves, has honourably participated in the Council of Europe 21st Conference of Directors of Prison and Probation Services, in Zaandam, The Netherlands, on 14th-15th June 2016.

The theme of the Conference was “Community Involvement in Prison and Probation Work”. The role and place of families of offenders and the attention and care needed by their children were among the discussed topics. Examples of co-operation between prison and probation services and the community as a way towards better social reintegration of prisoners and probationers were also addressed. Moreover, prison overcrowding and possible strategies for dealing with radicalization of inmates were on the agenda as well.

The event was hosted by the Dutch Ministry of Security and Justice and the Dutch Custodial Institutions Agency, and it aimed at bringing together high-ranking representatives of the prison and probation services of the organization’s member and observer states, as well as renowned experts, researchers, and representatives of the justice sector and of the civil society.

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