IPS at the ICPA LA International Meeting in Bogota Silvia Bernardo May 20, 2017

The international meeting theme was: “The new penitential architecture – changes in the models of social reinsertion in Latin America”.

ICPA LA, the Latin American chapter of ICPA (International Corrections and Prisons Association), organized its International Ordinary Meeting, from 17th to 20th May 2017, in the City of Bogota, Colombia.


IPS' CEO with the Coordinator of Dominican Republic New Penitentiary Model

Pedro das Neves, IPS_Innovative Prison Systems CEO, with Ysmael Paniagua, Coordinator of Dominican Republic New Penitentiary Model


The conference that brought together experts and different ministers and general directors from the Latin American countries was organized together with the National University of Colombia through the Faculty of Arts and the School of Architecture and Urbanism and the national penitentiary authorities.

Pedro das Neves, on behalf of IPS_Innovative Prison Systems, presented on “Technologies to enforce crime and radicalization prevention in prisons”.


Want to learn more about this event? Please follow the link.

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