IPS open lecture on radicalisation at Porto Criminology School Silvia Bernardo December 5, 2017

IPS open lecture on radicalisation at Porto Criminology School

Radicalisation is the topic of the open lecture that IPS’ consultant delivers at the University of Porto.

On December 4th, 2017, Marina Soares, a consultant of IPS_Innovative Prison Systems (IPS), has given an open lecture on the topic of radicalisation at the School of Criminology, Faculty of Law, of the University of Porto (FDUP).

The lecturer has not only highlighted the findings of her research on the theme “Salafist-Jihadist Radicalisation in Europe”: the case of second- and third-generation Muslim immigrants” but has also presented the project “R2PRIS“.

R2Pris disseminated open lecture Law School University Porto

A transnational consortium of which IPS_Innovative Prison Systems is part of (see all partners here) is enabling the R2PRIS project. It aims to address the issue of radicalisation inside prisons by developing competences that enable frontline staff to identify, interpret, report and respond appropriately to signals of radicalisation and extremism. Furthermore, the project foresees the development of an innovative training program.

Besides this project, IPS is a partner of two other transnational projects that deal with this global issue: PRACTICIES and INTEGRA. Furthermore, all of the mentioned projects are co-financed by European Union funds.

This open lecture has been held within the scope of the discipline “Security Issues II”, which is part of the study program of the third year of the degree in Criminology.

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