IPS at radicalisation prevention course in Spain Silvia Bernardo January 26, 2018

IPS at radicalisation prevention course in Spain

The course “Trainers of Trainers” seeks to provide competences and skills to prevent and contrast the emergence of radical phenomena within the European prisons, through the use of multifaceted, multidimensional and multidisciplinary methods and tools.

Members of the IPS_Innovative Prison System’s team were part of a train of trainers course on prevention of radicalisation held between 22th and 26th of January 2018, in the city of Granada, Spain.

Around fifteen participants (trainers) from Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece, Belgium, Malta, and Cyprus attended this training, and they will deliver tailor-made cascade training events in their respective countries. Furthermore, the participants of this course will become a part of a pan-European practitioners’ community of counter-radicalisation experts.

IPS participants are part of the team that is involved in projects dealing with radicalisation prevention, namely R2PRIS (Radicalisation Prevention in Prisons), PRACTICIES (Partnership against Radicalisation in Cities) and INTEGRA (Integrated Community, Probation and Prison Services Radicalisation Prevention Approach).

International group of experts and professionals receiving training on radicalisation prevention at FUNDEA, in Granada, Spain.

The international group of experts and professionals receiving training on radicalisation prevention at FUNDEA, in Granada, Spain.

The training event was organised by FUNDEA – Fundación Euroárabe de Altos Estudios (Euro-Arab Foundation of High Studies) in the scope of the projects DERAD (“Counter radicalisation through the rule of law”) and TRAINING AID.

The DERAD and TRAINING AID projects aim to contribute to the alignment of the European strategies with Member States initiatives in the field of probation and alternative measures as tools to counter radicalisation.

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