IPS to develop Roadmap for Decent Work and Tripartite Dialog Silvia Bernardo March 30, 2012

IPS to develop Roadmap for Decent Work and Tripartite Dialog

After a public biding launched by the Sindicatul National al Lucratorilor de Penitenciare of Romania, IPS / Qualify Just was awarded a contract to support the implementation on the recently approved “Itinerariul Dialog” project.

This project, with the duration of 2 years is financed by the Norwegian Grants (Innovation Norway Funding) and aims to develop the social dialogue capacity between Prison Union (SNLP) and it’s Public Administration counterpart (prison administration) trough the design and test a participatory social dialogue immersive experience model.
Project objectives include the delivery of a training program (negotiation/mediation) both to public administration top Management and union representatives (with focus on simulations); building up a joint social dialogue road map (immersive model) focusing on priorities and practicability of actions adapted to prisons context; the promotion of the unionization of workers implementing participative strategies & actions; and the dissemination of outputs and achievements towards other unions & federations.
Partners in the project include the Sindicatul National al Lucratorilor de Penitenciare from Romania; the Administratia Nationala al Penitencialor from Romania; the Corectional Association of Professionals Union from Norway; the Norwegian Correctional Services and the European Federation of Public Service Unions.
Info about the project click here.
If you would like to know more information please contact us by e-mail  [email protected]
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