Itinerariul Dialog: Romanian prison staff union visits Portuguese prisons Silvia Bernardo June 27, 2014

Itinerariul Dialog: Romanian prison staff union visits Portuguese prisons

In the framework of the Itinerariul Dialog ID project, a delegation from SNLP, the National Union of Prison Workers from Romania  together with IPS_Innovative Prison Systems team visited the Sindicato Nacional do Corpo da Guarda Prisional from Portugal.

The delegation was received at DGRSP (portuguese prison administration) and had the chance to understand the specificities of the portuguese prison system and discuss the importance of social dialogue with the general director Dr. Rui Sá Gomes.

The delegation also visited GISP Intervention team, Monsanto high security penitentiary, Santa Cruz do Bispo Penitentiary in Porto and GISP Intervention team the same city in the North of Portugal.

Itinerariul Dialog ID project objectives include the delivery of a training program (negotiation/mediation) both to public administration top Management and union representatives; building up a joint social dialogue road map (immersive model) focusing on priorities and practicability of actions adapted to prisons context; the promotion of the unionization of workers; and the dissemination of outputs and achievements towards other unions & federations.

Partners in the project include the SNLP Sindicatul National al Lucratorilor de Penitenciare from Romania; the Administratia Nationala al Penitencialor from Romania; the Correctional Association of Professionals Union from Norway; the Norwegian Correctional Services and EPSU, the European Federation of Public Service Unions.

If you would like to know more about the Itinerariul Dialog ID project or IPS intervention in social dialogue, please contact us by e-mail[email protected]

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