Justice Trends Magazine pmartinho May 2, 2022
Global Publication

Justice Trends Magazine

JUSTICE TRENDS is a premium printed and online magazine that features exclusive content such as interviews with Ministers of Justice, Directors-General of prison and probation administrations, and articles on pressing current criminal justice topics globally.

Founded in 2017 by the IPS CEO Pedro das Neves, the JUSTICE TRENDS Magazine is distributed to Ministers of Justice, Directors-General and interested practitioners across +120 countries.

Exclusive content
Countries covered
Yearly online visits
Premium bilingual publication with 2000 printouts
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Justice Trends covers contemporary best practices in corrections and the latest developments in executing justice worldwide — in English and Spanish (the online version is also available in Portuguese).

The bi-annual Magazine is made available globally to policy makers, general directors of prison and probation administrations, law enforcement and justice professionals.

It offers exclusive interviews with prominent personalities of the worldwide justice spectrum, and it also features opinion and technical articles, an experts’ panel, and case studies.

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The Magazine’s 13th edition spotlights the challenges and opportunities in the modernisation of correctional infrastructure.

The 13th edition is published

This issue examines how prison environments influence rehabilitation, safety, and overall well-being. Through expert insights, case studies, and interviews with justice leaders, we explore the latest trends in prison design, infrastructure modernisation, the integration of evidence-based practices, and the role of public-private partnerships in driving innovation.

JUSTICE TRENDS 13th edition highlights architectural innovation, policy developments, and strategies to create environments that support both security and reintegration. Read on to discover how these efforts are reshaping the future of correctional systems worldwide.

Magazine editions

For the Advancement of Corrections and Probation systems

“João Baltasar” Best Research Award

JUSTICE TRENDS and IPS Innovative Prison Systems are willing to recognise the merit of M.A., M.Phil., MBA and PhD graduates or academic researchers through the attribution of an award.

The award is given to the best thesis or research paper participating in the contest.

Best_Research 2022

Questions & Answers

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