JUSTICE TRENDS magazine second issue released Silvia Bernardo February 9, 2018

JUSTICE TRENDS magazine publishes its second issue.

The cover goes to the featured interviewee Arkel Benítez Mendizábal, the Secretary-General of COMJIB – the Conference of Ministers of Justice of the Ibero-American Countries. In his interview, COMJIB’s Secretary General highlights the efforts that the organisation he leads is developing to achieve a more cohesive Ibero-American Justice environment. Given that the  twenty-two Ibero-american countries have more than one and a half million prisoners altogether – and some of the highest occupancy levels of the world – this is an interview that offers a great deal of information of what COMJIB is doing to advance reform and modernization within the correctional systems of Latin America and the Caribbean.

JUSTICE TRENDS Magazine_issue 2 cover

Furthermore, the latest edition of JUSTICE TRENDS spotlights several European correctional systems through interviews with key decision makers such as Vivian Geiran (Chair of the Council for Penological Cooperation of the Council of Europe), Nela Kuburovic (Serbia’s Minister of Justice), and the Directors General of correctional systems of Spain, Estonia, Belgium, and Germany.

Canada and Australia (New South Wales) are also aimed at, as JUSTICE TRENDS publishes thorough interviews with the Commissioners Don Head and Peter Severin, respectively.

Further interviews are with Peter van der Sande (President of ICPA), Alison Hannah (Executive Director of Penal Reform International) and Juan Torres López (Director of CIRE), whose interview is about the prison work model of Catalonia’s correctional system.

Besides featuring many exclusive interviews, JUSTICE TRENDS magazine offers a number of articles on current topics, such as radicalisation, women in prison, technologies for corrections, applied design, electronic monitoring, among others.

Moreover, this issue includes an Experts’ Panel in which the controversial topic of the merger of prison and probation services is raised with the help and opinion of the directors general of a few European correctional systems.

JUSTICE TRENDS Magazine is a premium, bilingual publication (in English and Spanish), focused on the development of Justice systems. The publication is based on interviews with decision-makers in various parts of the world (European Commissioners and Ministers of Justice, General Directors of Prison and Probation Services and leaders of international organizations) as well as articles by renowned world experts.

The website www.justice-trends.press has the online edition of the magazine (with access to the 2 issues published); in here readers may read through the magazine, download the entire issue, or save any individual content.

Access the just-published second issue through this link: http://www.eu-training.com/justicetrends/JT2/?page=1

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