Knowledge sharing
Sharing relevant insights, best practices and expertise with the global corrections community
The JUSTICE TRENDS Magazine features interviews with Ministers of Justice, Directors-General of prison and probation administrations and exclusive content about contemporary best practices in the Criminal Justice sector. This way, we keep the justice community informed about the latest trends and developments in executing justice globally.
Because we believe that sharing is caring, we make it possible for Criminal Justice professionals to acquire relevant knowledge from specialised courses from various technical areas available on our online training platform: the Corrections Learning Academy.

Specialised platforms
Global Publication
Specialised Training Platform

For the Advancement of Corrections and Probation systems
“João Baltasar” Best Research Award
JUSTICE TRENDS and IPS_Innovative Prison Systems recognise the merit of M.A., M.Phil., MBA and PhD. graduates or academic researchers through the attribution of an award.
The award is given to the best thesis or research paper participating in the contest.

Stories on Training and Development

IPS hosts international training event on preventing radicalisation and violent extremism in prisons
Held in Lisbon from 25 to 27 February 2025, the event brought together more than 20 criminal justice professionals, with trainees from Poland, Norway, and Lithuania, including prison governors, security and probation officers, correctional service advisors, and ministry experts.

European Summit promotes innovative VR training to address prison aggression
A European initiative is advancing its use of Virtual Reality (VR) technology to manage aggression in prison environments. Through immersive VR simulations, the programme provides detainees with skills in self-regulation and prosocial behaviour while training prison staff in de-escalation and intervention techniques. A three-day summit in Ankara brought together experts from across Europe to further develop and test VR-based strategies, combining theoretical sessions, hands-on VR practice, and field visits.

IPS achieves DGERT certification: Advancing professional training in the Justice sector
IPS_Innovative Prison Systems has received training certification from the Portuguese Directorate-General for Employment and Labour Relations (DGERT), marking official recognition of the quality and compliance of its training programmes with the regulatory requirements in Portugal. This achievement reinforces the organisation’s commitment to providing excellent training services.

Elevating professional development in correctional systems
A new initiative aims to transform professional training in European correctional systems by establishing Centres of Vocational Excellence to bolster the capabilities of professionals and practitioners who work in the ecosystem of corrections, enhancing their effectiveness in facilitating the successful reintegration of prisoners into society.

Workshops enhance the skills of correctional officers and volunteers to support post-prison employment
Exploring the potential of observation in prison settings to identify skills that can facilitate the transition to the job market, volunteers and prison and probation officers are discovering new tools to enhance their capacity to link incarcerated individuals to employment opportunities.

Revolutionising Probation: A new cutting-edge training model emphasises rehabilitation and Restorative Justice principles
Addressing the shifting dynamics of global justice reform trends, a transnational initiative is taking the final steps in its mission to empower probation practitioners with advanced competencies, and foster rehabilitation and reintegration through the guiding principles of Restorative Justice.