Improving penitentiary policies in Latin America: IPS at Latin American ministers’ of justice conference Silvia Bernardo December 16, 2014

Improving penitentiary policies in Latin America: IPS at Latin American ministers’ of justice conference

The presentation will address the audience on the need for “a new model for the future: standards, adapted infrastructures, financing and communication”.

Pedro das Neves, board member at IPS_Innovative Prison Systems, and member of the executive board of BSAFE LAB (Beira Interior University, Portugal) will be present at the Conference of Ministers “Improving penitentiary policies in Latin America: the reinsertion of persons in conflict with the law” that will take place, in Costa Rica, on the 15th and 16th December, 2014.

At the conference, organized by the Conference of Ministers of Justice of the Ibero-American Countries (COMJIB) and the International Observatory of Juvenile Justice (OIJJ) – in the framework of the EUROsociAL – Regional Programme for social cohesion of Latin America – will participate the ministers of justice and interior and general directors of penitentiary systems of the majority of the Latin American countries.

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