Guatemala and Argentina: IPS supports policy development interventions Silvia Bernardo November 14, 2013

IPS, through the advisory of Pedro das Neves, will participate in the Eurosocial II program, supporting national policies and projects aimed at nurturing the rehabilitation and resocialization of former prisoners in Guatemala and Argentina.

The specific axis on activities for the social reintegration of former prisoners of the Eurosocial II program is under responsibility of the Conference of Ministers of Justice of Ibero-American Countries (COMJIB). Eurosocial II program is financed by the European Commission aiming to contribute to an increase in the levels of social cohesion in Latin America.

The program strives to support those national public policies that have been designed in order to improve the levels of social cohesion, and thereby also seeks to strengthen the institutions and organizations responsible for these policies.

Further information about Eurosocial II can be found at

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