Mental healthcare, geriatrics and palliative care in prison – MenACE meeting Silvia Bernardo October 19, 2018

Mental healthcare, geriatrics and palliative care in prison – MenACE meeting

On behalf of IPS, Pedro das Neves and Susana Reis presented the MenACE training package and its three components (e-learning, classroom-based and train the trainer course) at the National Conference on Palliative Care.

MenACE – Mental Health, Ageing and Palliate Care in European Prisons: The fifth project meeting and final conference were hosted by Hospice Casa Sperantei in Brasov, Romania, on the 18th and 19th of October 2018.


Furthermore, the project’s conference agenda included two presentations by the promoter partner, HOSPICE Casa Speranței, namely about the current EU practices in prison mental healthcare, geriatrics and palliative care services and also concerning the topic of communication with difficult patients and conflict management.

As regards the 5th (and final) project meeting, the consortium partners have discussed the Outputs’ implementation progress, budget issues, and activities planning for the remaining six months of the project.

To learn further details about the MenACE project please visit the project’s website.

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