New MIRAD Project: Better Assess Extremists to Succeed in Reintegration Silvia Bernardo July 13, 2021

New MIRAD Project: Better Assess Extremists to Succeed in Reintegration

The MIRAD “Multi-Ideological Radicalisation Assessment towards Disengagement” project will strive to enhance the efficiency of radicalisation risk assessment practices towards a better implementation of disengagement and reintegration programmes.

The MIRAD project has just been approved by the European Commission’s Internal Security Fund – Police (ISFP), and will run for a year and a half. The project aims to conduct a longitudinal analysis of the implementation of risk assessment tools, addressing the need to develop and apply ideology-specific risk assessment tools, attentive to relevant gender dimensions of appropriate interventions.

The project activities include the tool development and training to assess the trustworthiness level of non-governmental organisations, the adaptation of the Individual Radicalisation Screening (IRS) with the  inclusion of an ideological-focused component, a mixed-method training approach, and the development of interinstitutional collaboration models and protocols towards effective disengagement and successful social reintegration. The IRS is part of the R2PRIS RRAP Toolset, which was recently considered a best practice by the European Commission’s Radicalisation Awareness Network.

Increasing collaboration on disengagement and reintegration is a key objective of the MIRAD project

MIRAD intends to foster expanded collaboration in the field of disengagement and reintegration programmes between governmental bodies and trustworthy community organisations; quality training and learning opportunities on the use of the ideological and gendered-specific IRS; enhanced efficiency of disengagement programmes; and, lastly, catalyse and promote transversal transition programmes for violent extremist and terrorist offenders.

This project  is coordinated by the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (France). The project consortium also includes IPS_Innovative Prison Systems (Portugal), the Euro-Arab Foundation for Higher Studies (Spain), the Association Les Militants des Savoirs (France), the Polish Platform for Homeland Security (Poland), the Center for the Study of Democracy (Bulgaria), KMOP Social Action and Innovation Centre (Greece), and the International Association for Correctional and Forensic Psychology – Europe (Belgium).

For further information about the MIRAD project please go to this page.

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