Peer Pro-Social Modeling in Probation gets green light Silvia Bernardo October 5, 2017

The PPROMPT project foresees to build up Peer a Pro-Social Model Team, trained by probation professionals in the field.

The PPROMPT project on Peer Pro-Social Modelling in Probation, promoted by the Turkish Probation authorities and having as partners the Portuguese Prison and Probation System (DGRSP), IPS Innovative Prison Systems, and the probation advisory firm European Strategies Consulting (Romania) got green light for funding from the European Commission for the next 2 years.

With PPROMPT project: a peer Pro-Social Model system will be structured for the Probation System; a needs analysis will be conducted to evaluate the efficiency of the present programmes in Turkey, Portugal, and Romania; a literature review on peer training and a meta-analysis on Pro-Social Model best practices will be conducted; a curriculum on Peer Training will be developed; a “Peer Trainer’s Manual” will be prepared; a “Pro-Social Model Manual” will be prepared; a Trainer’s manual and toolkit will be produced for both training of probation experts and training of selected offenders; the efficiency of group work and seminar programmes will be increased; the capabilities of the staff working for the Probation System will be fostered; new methods on the rehabilitation and the reintegration of the offenders will be formed and tried within the system; the service quality in the Probation System of the partner countries will be increased; and the service standards of the Turkish Probation System is expected to improve and rise to EU standards.

For further information about the PPROMPT project click here.

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