PRACTICIES: Partnership against Radicalisation hits the French Parliament Silvia Bernardo June 11, 2018

PRACTICIES: Partnership against Radicalisation hits the French Parliament

Project looks to gather networks of cities’ organisations and experts to better understand, prevent and address violent radicalisation.

“Young people and violent radicalisation: a European study” is the theme of a Breakfast-Debate to be held on the 19th June 2018 at the French Parliament, in Paris, at 8:30 a.m.

The invitation is made by Sandrine Mörch, MP from Haute Garonne, Muriel Domenach, Secretary-General of the Interministerial Committee for the Prevention of Crime and Radicalisation, and Professor Séraphin Alava who heads the PRACTICIES project team, from the University of Toulouse Jean Jaurès, France.


PRACTICIES debate French parliament invitation letter


This event includes the presentation of the PRACTICIES project, the release of the results of a survey conducted by one of the project partners, questions, and exchanges with the public, as well as conclusion notes to be delivered by the Secretary-General of the CIPDR.

In studying the extent of the phenomenon and also the perception of young people, the research addresses important topics that will lead to a better understanding of violent radicalisation, such as values, beliefs, and feelings of young people. Hence, the first results of the research show that 47% of the young people interviewed consider that violent radicalisation is widespread in their country and 42% think that this phenomenon will spread over the next five years.

PRACTICIES – “Partnership against Violent Radicalisation in European Cities” entails a comprehensive transnational and multiagency research aimed at better understanding of the phenomenon of violent radicalisation in its various forms. It mobilises networks of European cities and experts to better understand the human roots of radicalisation and to characterise these processes starting by their origins and to build concrete tools and prevention practices.

PRACTICIES’ generic objective is to better understand, prevent and address violent radicalisation, and its main goals are to evaluate the existing procedures of registration and identification of youth in the process of radicalisation in an urban space; to describe and explain the social course of transition to radical action; and to provide concrete tools for action.

This transnational project relies on the cooperation of experience in the field of urban security in cities and expertise of national structures to fight terrorism, including partners from Government and law enforcement, municipalities, research institutions and private organisations from France, Spain, Austria, Italy, Greece, Portugal, Tunisia, and Belgium.

From Portugal, the partners are IPS_Innovative Prison Systems, the Ministry of Justice (Attorney General’s Office), and Amadora’s City Hall.

Learn more about PRACTICIES.

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