The European Commission’s Directorate General for Justice and Consumers has approved the funding of the PRE-RIGHTS project.
The PRE-RIGHTS project promotes a balanced approach to judicial cooperation in crime prevention, with a specific focus on radicalisation in prisons, and it explores the relations between hybrid investigations and preventive measures in the light of Directive 2014/41/EU, and Council Framework Decisions 2002/584/JHA from a judiciary and investigative point of view. Furthermore, it analyses the coherence of preventive security measures with the rehabilitative objectives of the Framework Decisions 2008/909/JHA, 2008/947/JHA and 2009/829/JHA within prison and probation and it assesses the impact on MLA in the light of the most recent ECtHR and CJEU jurisprudence on prevention and cooperation with third countries, with a specific focus on prevention within the Brexit transition.
Hence, PRE-RIGHTS seeks to achieve coherence between new hybrid investigations in ‘intelligence-led police approach’ and EIO/EAW to prevent excessive de-juridicalisation; to foster compatibility of preventive security measures in prison with the ‘spirit’ and provisions of Framework Decisions 2008/909/ 947/829/JHA to prevent de-socialisation; to implement the EU Security Agenda from a judicial perspective; and, in this scope, it also aims to generate an impact on the prevention policies and practices.
The project is spearheaded by the Italian Ministry of Justice and counts with partners from several other European Union Members, namely IPS_Innovative Prison Systems, from Portugal, Center for the Study of Democracy (Bulgaria), Agenfor International (Italy), the University of Malta, the Bremen Senate of Justice and Constitution (Germany), the National Intelligence Academy Mihai Viteazul (Romania), and KEMEA Center for Security Studies, (Greece).
For further information please visit the project’s webpage and/or contact us at [email protected]