PRE-RIGHTS project: A more balanced approach to pre-trial detention Silvia Bernardo December 3, 2019

PRE-RIGHTS project: A more balanced approach to pre-trial detention

Towards a judicial and police cooperation in line with the provisions of the EU Security Agenda on prevention.

On December 3rd, 2019 in Trieste, Italy, IPS and our partners met for the first project meeting of PRE-RIGHTS “Assessing impact and performance of preventive measures on EU Directives and Framework Decisions”.

Funded by EU Justice Programme 2014-2020, PRE-RIGHTS project seeks to contribute to a more balanced approach to the application of preventive measures, namely in the context of international judicial cooperation between EU member states and especially when applied to radicalisation-related cases.

In order to achieve these goals, the project will be undertaken by a consortium made up of a rather diverse group of partners, not only geographically but above all in their fields of work: Central European Initiative (Italy), Center for the Study of Democracy (Bulgaria), Agenfor International (Italy), Romanian-American University (Romania), University of Malta (Malta), IPS_Innovative Prison Systems (Portugal), Bremen Senate of Justice and Constitution (Germany), and KEMEA Center for Security Studies (Greece).

Think tanks, universities, a governmental organ and private organisations were hosted by Central European Initiative, an intergovernmental organisation, at their headquarters for a discussion on the initial steps necessary for the successful development of the project.

Theoretical and empirical research will sustain the project’s initial progress, feeding into its practical activities, which will strive to gather first-line practitioners’ insights, before transforming the assembled information into concrete training programmes on prevention, from a legal and procedural standpoint.

Further information on the PRE-RIGHTS project can be found here.

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