R2PRIS presented at the 2nd Criminal Justice Summer Course in Barcelona Silvia Bernardo July 6, 2018

R2PRIS presented at the 2nd Criminal Justice Summer Course in Barcelona

The R2PRIS Multi-level radicalisation prevention in prisons has been presented at the second Criminal Justice Summer Course, in Barcelona.

This Summer Course took place, from the 3rd until the 6th of July 2018, at the Centre for Legal Studies and Specialised Training. This year’s theme was radicalisation and violent extremism.

Hence, Mr. Pedro das Neves, IPS_Innovatives Prison Systems, on behalf of the R2Pris consortia presented the “R2Pris Multi-level radicalisation prevention in prisons” – the model, its assessment instruments and training tools which have been developed in the framework of the project R2PRIS and that are intended for both the prison management staff and prison practitioners.

The aim of the Summer Course is to examine key-practice issues, inspire new thinking, promote cross-fertilisation and build new networks to improve services and practice in prison, probation and restorative justice.

The summer course consists of a combination of workshops, plenary sessions and field visits. Each workshop focused on understanding and responding to radicalisation, be it through training activities, presentations, or discussions.

The course was organised by the Criminal Justice Platform Europe (CJPE), which is a partnership between the Confederation of European Probation (CEP), the European Organisation of Prison and Correctional Services (EuroPris) and the European Forum for Restorative Justice (EFRJ). Furthermore, this Summer Course has the collaboration of the Centre for Legal Studies (Catalan Department of Justice).

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