The International Conference “R2PRIS Radicalisation Prevention in Prisons” will take place in Lisbon, Portugal, on the 3rd of July, 2018.
IPS_Innovative Prisons Systems and BSAFE LAB (UBI – Beira Interior University) – in collaboration with the Portuguese Prison and Probation Administration – are organising the International Conference “R2PRIS Radicalisation Prevention in Prisons” whose central topic is the prevention of radicalisation in penitentiary institutions, especially focusing on the R2PRIS approach.
Hence, at this conference, participants will learn about the R2PRIS assessment tools and the comprehensive training programme, that have been developed in the framework of the project, intended both for prison management staff and practitioners. Below is a summary of the Conference’s draft programme (click the image for further details).
Welcoming and Opening Panel
The Opening Panel will be chaired by Professor Nuno Garcia, of BSAFE LAB, Professor António Fidalgo, Rector of the University of Beira Interior, Paulo Moimenta de Carvalho, Deputy Director-General of the Portuguese Prison and Probation Service, and H. E. Mrs. Francisca Van Dunem, the Portuguese Minister of Justice (the latter to be confirmed).
Radicalisation Prevention in Prisons – the R2PRIS Approach
The opening panel shall be followed by a twenty-minute presentation of the R2PRIS Approach to Radicalisation Prevention in Prisons, by Mr. Pedro das Neves, IPS_Innovative Prison Systems CEO.
Radicalisation, Readiness Assessment, and Staff Training
At 11:00, representatives from the Romanian and the Turkish Prison Administrations will moderate “Radicalisation, Readiness Assessment and Staff Training” which is a comprehensive session exploring the R2PRIS methodological framework, the scientific assessment tools that have been developed as well as the R2PRIS certification programme.
High-level Roundtable Discussion: Radicalisation Prevention in European Prisons
In the afternoon, the conference includes a roundtable on the topic of Radicalisation Prevention in European Prisons with the participation of decision-makers and experts from six different jurisdictions across Europe, namely from Belgium, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Spain, and Turkey.
In short, by attending this conference, participants will be given the chance to discuss and learn how radicalisation and extremism inside prisons can be reduced by way of enhancing the competences of frontline staff to identify, report, interpret, and respond appropriately to signals of the phenomenon. In fact, this international conference is an opportunity to learn about R2PRIS and its innovative training and certification programme on preventing radicalisation in prisons.
Participation is free but requires a registration. Register here! Please contact IPS_Innovative Prison Systems team for any queries: [email protected]
About the R2PRIS project:
The R2PRIS project is promoted by the BSAFE LAB of UBI University and IPS Innovative Prison Systems, working with other academic institutions – such as the University of Vest Timisoara – and the correctional systems of Norway, Romania, Turkey, The Netherlands, Belgium, Portugal (as an associated partner), EuroPris, and the ICPA – the International Corrections and Prisons Association.
As outputs, the project has produced a capacity-building programme built as the result of a concerted transnational cooperation that aims both to train and certify professionals at different levels of the prison administration (prison governors, frontline officers, technical staff, internal trainers, and facilitators) in the use of the tools that will enable them to identify risks, screen and assess inmates that may at risk of becoming radicalised. Furthermore, the training programme also envisages a train the trainer course, so that the practitioners can contribute to the capacity-building of their peers in the use of those tools.
The program has developed a multi-level approach to identify risks and inmates potentially vulnerable to radicalisation. To support the different levels of professionals involved, decision-makers and practitioners will have access to – through a certification process due to potential security and ethical concerns regarding the use of such tools – the R2PRIS methodological framework; training session materials (a facilitator’s kit with training templates, manuals, and presentations); R2PRIS assessment tools (includes the user’s manual for each tool, response forms and results’ report sheets); online resources and the complete R2PRIS online training course (4 modules).