The R4JUST initiative – Radicalisation Prevention Competences’ Development Programme for Justice Professionals – has been given green light by DG JUST, the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers.
R4JUST aims to prevent and reduce the risk of radicalisation and violent extremism in prisons by exploring a multi-sectoral approach, intending to enhance the competences of prison staff (namely prison governors, as well as frontline and technical staff), probation staff (e.g., probation officers/supervisors, psychologists), as well as judges and prosecutors while fostering criminal and judicial multi-sectoral cooperation and networking on countering and preventing radicalisation.
R4JUST builds upon and will use a comprehensive radicalisation assessment toolset which has been previously developed and successfully piloted in the scope of the R2PRIS project (Radicalisation Prevention in European Prisons).
R4JUST is expected to develop a survey intended at providing a groundwork for a thoughtful state of the art during, as well as a database of EPs/ESs, a multi-sectoral training comprising four courses directed at prison staff, probation staff, judicial professionals, and trainers, as well as piloting activities.
R4JUST is led by the BSAFE Lab – Law Enforcement, Justice and Public Safety Laboratory of Beira Interior University together with IPS_Innovative Prison Systems (both in Portugal). The consortium includes the Directorate-General for Reintegration and Prison Services (Portugal), the College of Public Administration (Fachhochschulen für öffentliche Verwaltung), the Bremen Senate of Justice and Constitution (both in Germany), Agenfor International Foundation (Italy), the Belgian Federal Public Service Justice (Belgian Prison Service), the West University of Timisoara, the Bucharest Jilava Penitentiary (both in Romania), and ICPA the International Corrections and Prisons Association.
For further information about R4JUST, feel free to drop us an email at [email protected]