Romanian continuous improvement in prisons gets EU recognition Silvia Bernardo September 30, 2012

Romanian continuous improvement in prisons gets EU recognition

Slobozia Prison intervention on implementing CAF has been recognized as a best practice in Romania Public Administration and will be presented at the 5th European CAF Users’ Event – “CAF as a Driver for Innovation” was held in Oslo in September 2012.

“A window to the world: increasing the visibility and transparency of prison activities”.
Slobozia penitentiary. Romania”:

We do remember the first meetings we had in Amara back in early 2009. Scepticism, lack of resources, uncertainty about the future, but always a great will to experiment new management approaches…

The project was developed in a challenging period for Romania with the arrival of the IMF followed by budget cuts, 25% salary cuts, and austerity measures that most Europeans were not used to know. Nevertheless, the Romanian prison administration, the Slobozia prison CAF team, as the teams from Craiova, Gherla, Botosani, Targsor and Timisoara prison units engaged in new ventures (CAF was just a small part of it) to deliver a better, more efficient and effective service.  And they got it!

Our words are of recognition to the people in these teams, that despite all the difficulties we able to reach such results. Slobozia will represent in Oslo the work of 6 + 10 prisons in Romania and dozens of people who were not afraid to be engaged in a continuous improvement journey.

More information about the Credem in Schimbare project:

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