Credem in Schimbare considered EU good practice Silvia Bernardo April 1, 2014

Credem in Schimbare project has been proposed as a good practice on the use of public money to foster innovation and impact disadvantaged groups.

Credem in Schimbare – Quality as a driver for innovation”

Romanian prison services have been recognized for their work implementing quality standards and continuous improvement practices through CAF (the Common Assessment Framework). ANP has been invited to present this European good practice at the “CAF as Driver for Innovation” organized by the European Institute of Public Administration in Oslo in September 2012.

“Credem in Schimbare – Best Practice”

(in the picture: Mr. Cristiane Ababei, General Director of AM POSDRU and Mr. Adrian Neagoe, project manager on behalf of the National Prison Administration of Romania.

For further information about this project visit the “reference cases” page in this website or at the AM POSDRU website for success projects .

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