For cultural change in prisons – Credem in Schimbare project closing conference Silvia Bernardo October 1, 2013

Knowledge and good practice transfer regarding prison management innovation and criminal justice system reform.

Representatives of prison systems from Portugal, Germany, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Belgium, Czech Republic and Norway  together with over one hundred specialists of the romanian penitentiary system  participated last October at the closing conference of the “Credem in Schimbare” ( POSDRU/15 / 6.2/S/1 “Increasing opportunities for social inclusion of persons under custody through better education, information society and improvement activities in prison”).

In the event, experts from the romanian penitentiary system and the project partners – the General Directorate of Prison Services from Portugal, I.Zone Knowledge Systems (IPS) and BDO Consulting, presented the main sub-projects, activities, results, expressing positive impressions from this 3 years of project implementation.

Positive comments were received from representatives from European prison systems, and Peter van der Sande, President of ICPA stated that “this project was large, very ambitious and has solved a variety of problems of the prison system. The Dutch expert reminded that “the Romanian penitentiary system now has some of the best practices at European level” and “Romania has made a big step forward through this project.”

For further information about this project visit the “reference cases” page in this website.

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