Developing research and consulting partnerships to make innovative solutions happen in Justice and Law Enforcement sectors
Tackling every component of the penitentiary system mission
More than 10,77 million people are held in prison or other detention institutions worldwide. A third of the incarcerated population is connected to violent crime.
Considering this reality, we seek to offer and deploy a full array of innovative solutions to tackle every component of the criminal justice sector.

Community sanctions and measures
Promoting non-custodial sanctions and measures
Rather than being an alternative to imprisonment, non-custodial sentences were, from ancient times in different cultures, a traditional society response to offences — and the reacceptance of offenders in their communities.
Community sanctions and measures, probation as an independent sanction, suspension of the enforcement of a sentence with imposed conditions, community service, treatment orders for addictions or mental illnesses, and restriction of movement under electronic monitoring constitute alternatives to pre-trial detention.
We provide multifaceted solutions to comply with the complexity of the growing community sanctions and measures sector — from policy design to new technology deployment.
Juvenile justice
Helping youngsters thrive and holding them accountable in juvenile justice systems
Juvenile justice systems use community assets to help youngsters thrive and hold them accountable in age-appropriate settings. We provide advisory towards the conceptualisation and transformation of juvenile justice systems by putting innovative projects, policy advocacy and education in place.
The services offered under this purview seek a safer, smarter, more cost-effective and fairer reality as far as juvenile justice is concerned.

Reforming police systems to better adapt to contemporary challenges
Police constitute one of the most critical institutions of any jurisdiction, as it fosters security through enforcement and authority, improving citizens’ lives.
Many policing systems need reform to adapt to contemporary challenges, such as civil unrest, terrorism, human trafficking, new forms of organised crime, economic and digital crimes, new forensic tools, and information and communication technologies.